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Hello world!

Hello world!

Hello world! This is the way to begin every first test program, so I will also start my first post that way. Like first, thank you for visiting my website. I hope that you have already noticed who I am and what I do. If you didn’t take a walk a little bit through website. In short I’m a web developer. My name is Dragoslav Grandić. My occupation is web developing, programming and web design. I am proud to be an author and the owner of this website.
I will try to write and publish as much as possible the original good tutorials and helpful articles. I hope that you will find something interesting and useful here. I would be glad if you spend some of your precious time here. If you want to provide more than that, be active, comment on my blog, send me an email… I’d like to contact with you. In any case, thanks for visiting. Hello world is checking out for now.

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5 Responses to “Hello world!”

  1. admin says:

    Hello world!

  2. Motorschaden says:

    Great! 😉

  3. Autoankauf Köln says:

    hello world… i like it !

  4. JasamJa says:

    Molim te reci mi kako napravit kategorije u Google blogu!To mi jako treba!

    • admin says:

      Jesi li mislio na Blogger? Nažalost nemam iskustva sa ovim, ja gotovo isključivo koristim WordPress. Ako ti treba neka pomoć oko WP-a pitaj.

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