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Archive for the ‘Photoshop’ Category

Photoshop Actions – Recording and use of actions

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 at 19:47 by admin


You already realize how great Photoshop is, you like it a lot, and you are satisfied with all things you could do with it. You already have a skills to resize the image, to sharpen and brighten them, to crop a part and save the image in a safe for web and devices way. Photoshop could do a miracle on images. You’ve realized that all this is not a problem to make with a single image but if you have a folder with hundreds of photos you are in trouble. There are too many actions that should be repeated, the question is how to make this easier. It would be great to record and to repeat them automatically. Photoshop could do this for you, with tool Actions. It allows us to record any action, one or more of them, and then use them for an unlimited number of times, to an unlimited number of photos. This is very easy to do and we can save a bunch of time.


Batch resize in photoshop – How to automatically resize multiple images

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 at 23:43 by admin


We all know it’s pretty easy to resize or crop a photo in Photoshop. You can make this quickly and easy. But what if we have a folder with, for example, 100 photos. Such work can easily take several hours. Luckily there is inside Photoshop a great functionality for this. Instead of opening and resizing images one by one we’ll tell him to do everything by himself. In the meantime we can do to the world more useful things, such as a drink something or to embrace a favorite pillow. However, this effort will be quickly over because all will be over in a couple of minutes. That Photoshop is such great tool, it will do all by himself.
