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Batch resize in photoshop – How to automatically resize multiple images

Batch resize in photoshop – How to automatically resize multiple images

We all know it’s pretty easy to resize or crop a photo in Photoshop. You can make this quickly and easy. But what if we have a folder with, for example, 100 photos. Such work can easily take several hours. Luckily there is inside Photoshop a great functionality for this. Instead of opening and resizing images one by one we’ll tell him to do everything by himself. In the meantime we can do to the world more useful things, such as a drink something or to embrace a favorite pillow. However, this effort will be quickly over because all will be over in a couple of minutes. That Photoshop is such great tool, it will do all by himself.

So our task will be as follow. We have a folder on our personal computer with a certain number of photos. All of them are in various formats. Our wish is that no one of them is not wider than 600 px or higher than 400 px. How do we achieve this. With the help of Batch resize functionality in Photoshop.

Batch resize in photoshop - before-after

Step 1

Open Photoshop, go to File > Scripts > Image Processor.

Batch resize in photoshop - Image processor

Batch resize in photoshop - Image processor

Step 2

In image processor window set the following settings according to your needs. Select a folder with the photos you want to resize. Check “Include all subfolders” if you want to change the size of all images from folders contained within the selected.

Batch resize in photoshop - Find files

Batch resize in photoshop - Find the images you want to resize

Step 3

Select where you want to save resized photos. By default “Save in the location” is checked. If you leave this option Photoshop will create a new folder within the selected so you will not overwrite the original photo. If you want to save to another location, choose where.

Batch resize in photoshop - Select location

Batch resize in photoshop - Select the location where you want to save resized photos

Step 4

Step 4 is the most important. Now you need to chose the size and quality you want for the processed images. In most cases Quality 8 will be quite sufficient. We said that we want our photos to be processed to maximum width of 600 px and max height of 400 px. Select the “Resize to Fit” and enter the desired value. Thus, the longest side of our photos will not exceed a given maximum width and height, and will retain the original proportions, there will be no elongation or compression of photos.

Batch resize in photoshop - Select preferences

Batch resize in photoshop - Entre needed photos values

Step 5

If you prefer, you can select some of predefined photoshop actions. Basically you want need this in most cases. But there is another great option in Photoshop, that is the possibility to record actions you need by yourself. This way, you can use any procedure on the entire series of photographs. All about this you can read in Photoshop Actions tutorial.

Batch resize in photoshop - Select actions

Batch resize in photoshop - Choose photoshop actions you want to use

Step 6

Check once more time that you change all the options in the Image Processor as you want, click Run, and return to your pillow. Photoshop now works for you.

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One Response to “Batch resize in photoshop – How to automatically resize multiple images”

  1. Gordan says:

    Profesionalno, lepo i korisno. Šteta što nisam pre otkrio Vaš sajt. Hvala najlepša.

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